- Grant from the EDI Strategic Research Grant London in 2021 to encourage Design History Research in geographies
beyond the west and post-colonial perspectives
- Green Good Design Award in 2009 for More Eco Less Ego residential corner building in Milan Italy
- International Prize for best thesis “Sustainable Architecture” Fassa Bortolo 4th Edition in 2007
- Fairground of Lebanon in Tripoli and the War. Meanings and Challenges for the Future in “Built Heritage Sustainable
Reuse. Approaches, Methodologies and Practices”, Vol. 26, Springer, 2023, p. 91-106
- A modern neighborhood for prosperity. The case of the International and Permanent Fair of Lebanon in Tripoli by Oscar
Niemeyer, in “Villages et quartiers à risque d’abandon. Stratégies pour la connaissance, la valorisation et la
restauration”, Tome I, Firenze University Press, 2022, p. 389-397
- Local Modernism in danger until this day. The case of the Lebanese Pavilion in the International Permanent Fair of
Lebanon in Tripoli by Oscar Niemeyer, in “Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities”, volume 3
Global / Local Modernities, docomomo international, 2021, p. 924-929
- LinkedIn, Expo Milan 2015
- DECO Magazine, Juin/Septembre 2009, Milan n'est pas Disneyland
- IoArchitetto, July 2008, La risposta Europea al richiamo della sostenibilita'
- Architecture Plus, March 2008, Niemeyer Forgotten
- IoArchitetto, November 2007, Niemeyer dimenticato
- DDN Cucine, The Kitchen Edition, April 2014, Sistema_bulthaup Beirut
- Curve Magazine, Kitchens & Bathrooms supplement, April 2014, When Architecture meets Luxury
- Kitchens & Bathrooms Magazine, Winter Issue 2014, Sistema bulthaup Lebanon New Showroom
- L’Hebdo magazine, March 26th 2010, soutenir et exhorter l’architecture durable by Elga Trad
- Deco Magazine, 02/2010, le green good design award 2009 recompense Joe Zaatar by Claudine Abdelmassih
- Masculin magazine, November 2009, More Eco Less Ego – plans d’écologie pour moins d’égocentrisme par Alexandre
Armand Paraskevas
- Skira book review, ed.2008, Architettura Sostenibile – una scelta responsabile per uno sviluppo equilibrato by Gianluca
- Deco Magazine, Mars 2008, archi ecolo a Dubai c’est possible! by Aline Asmar D’amman
- Casabella magazine, nr.758, premio internazionale Architettura Sostenibile Fassa Bortolo
- Architetti Lombardi AL magazine, dicembre 2007, premio Fassa Bortolo
- OFARCH magazine, nr.98, premio internazionale Architettura Sostenibile Fassa Bortolo
- Ottagono magazine, September 2007, premio architettura Fassa Bortolo
- Io Architetto newspaper, nr. September 2007, l’antico comfort delle torri del vento (under 40) by Alice Gramigna
- L’Orient-le Jour newspaper, September 18th 2007, Joe Zaatar lauréat de la faculté italienne de Ferrare by Maria
- Alef magazine, autumn 2007 – issue 4, a new environmental design
- Costruire magazine, 08.2007, architettura sostenibile
- Materia magazine, 08.2007, quarta edizione del premio internazionale architettura sostenibile
- 2A Architecture & Art magazine, winter 2007, architecture & tourism
Lectures and Conferences
- ReUSO 2022 Porto, Portugal: Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage. Topic: impact of wars on cultural and
built Heritage. Paper presentation entitled The Fairground of Lebanon in Tripoli between pre-war and post-war period.
Events, Meanings and Future, Co-authored with Francesca Albani, 2-4/11/2022
- DOCOMOMO2020+1: Paper presentation entitled Modernist heritage in danger today. The case of the International
and Permanent Fair in Tripoli Lebanon by Oscar Niemeyer, 30/08/2021
- RIPAM8.5 Intermediate Conference Firenze 2020: Paper presentation entitled A modern neighborhood for prosperity.
The case of the International and Permanent Fair of Lebanon in Tripoli by Oscar Niemeyer, 26/11/2020
- Lecture on Balance between old and new Italian architecture at Notre Dame University, 01/03/2017
​- Lecture on Sustainable architecture in Milan and Dubai, different context at the Lebanese American University,
Beirut Campus, 22/04/2016
- Conversazioni di Architettura al Chiostro di Sant’Angostino Bergamo Alta by Edoardo Milesi & Archos, 19/07/2007
Workshops and Teaching
- Politecnico di Milano, co-supervising Master thesis entitled: rethinking the Egg. A new project for an iconic modernist
architecture in Beirut. Supervisor Marco Introini, 21 December 2022
- Politecnico di Milano, 1st year Master School, Design Studio course and undergraduate Design Studio 3
- Archos summer school 2021, intensive workshop on Designing an infrastructural network of culture for graduate
students, OCRA Montalcino
- Notre Dame University, Senior 2, Senior 1, Design 5, Design 3, Design 2, Design 1, History 3, History 4, Technical
drawing 2, Detailing 2 courses & planner of study trip to Italy from 2015 to 2019
- Politecnico di Milano, Office and Laboratory building, design project, 2010/2011, 5th year students
- Politecnico di Milano, Technology and Scientific park – research and project on a building façade, 2008/2009, 5th year
- Politecnico di Milano, Flessibilita di un edificio ad uso terziario – ricerca e progetto, 2008/2009, 2nd year students
Jury Member
​- Jury member for the course Design Studio 8 at LAU Byblos taught by Marwan Basmaji, Spring 2019
- Member of the organizing committee for citystreet3 international conference in 2018 at NDU
- Jury member for the Planning & Design workshop URP 661 at AUB taught by Serge Yazigi, Fall 2017
- Jury member for the course Design Studio 8 at LAU Byblos taught by Marwan Basmaji, Spring 2016
- Jury member for the course Design Studio 6 at LAU Byblos taught by Gilbert Slaiby, Spring 2015
- Jury member: the 1st eco-quartier competition by Build It Green Lebanon in partnership with LGBC, March 2014
- Jury member: Majal association (urban academic observatory), 1st sustainable architecture competition for students in
Lebanon, February 2010